By our unpaid labor and suffering, we have earned the right to the soil, many times over and over, and now we are determined to have it.
— anonymous, 1861
The core of the Earth would be shaken if the Afro diaspora would unite and arise seeking justice for mankind by demanding reparations and restitutions of the land. To advance economic prosperity within the Afro community it is vital that a sustainable society of businesses that promote agency in our communities be established. Revolutionizing Afro communities with knowledge and strengthening our economy would break capitalist chains. The Nation’s Capital, Washington D.C., is the ideal place to evoke change against bias policies in order to empower Afro businesses. In order to end the depravation of black wealth by which the elitist or majority (Matthew 11:12- taketh it by force) we must create a system and utilize our local and Federal rights to the fullest potential (i.e. Declaration of Independence).
The allocation of land in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida Coast and Sea Islands was protected and dominated by Afro people in 1863 during the Civil War as a result of land confiscation and reselling from the U.S. Government. However, the same land that was given to us by the government was stripped from us. This is one of the many reasons that the Afro community must join unions and organize to develop their own system which develops their own communities. The allocated land was auctioned at a discount of $1.25 per acre compared to the $40-$60 per acre that it was worth. Freed Afro Americans took advantage of land ownership and acquired autonomous power for quite some time.
Modern-day Freedmen Arising in D.C.
A renewal and commitment to the “Freedmen’s Home Colonies” is essential to developing economic autonomy from a government system we cannot depend upon. This freedmen’s bureau was even capable of guarding their land and securing their livelihood by a regiment of the Unites States Colored Troops (USCT). The mobilization of Afro men or women is the only plausible solution to reaching economic and social equity to ensure security- if the lands are not protected it will be stolen. 1865 marked the year the War Department disband all black regiments raised in the North. In a year, this became the catalyst of the number of Afro troops dropping from 85,000 to 13,000 members.
These lands were stolen from us by the same government system which gave it to them and for this reason the Afro community must join unions and organize to develop their own system which develops their own communities. We must have protection of our systems and in this way we are reaching equitable rights. Until we reach economic and psychological freedom we will remain enslaved and assimilated in a system which destroys not only a biblical lost race but this planet.
It is imperative that we focus on revolutionizing our minds to expedite the process of economically dominating current decapitating systems of government. This exploitive system not only damages human relations and well being but the Earth. The empire of America and Europe has created a toleration system which disenfranchises economic freedom. The current U.S. and Euro currencies have no resource which backs the value. Therefore, everything is built on illusionary monopoly in order to deceive the masses and exploit the most prominent countries which possess the most resources (Most notably Kongo).
The United States of America has developed their entire empire on the direct exploitation of black bodies and strategic targeting all black, brown and poor people through big corporations (capital forces). The invasive nature of big business and corporations within America must be recognized as a direct attack on the livelihood of the mass public and Afro society.
In the 1970s, in the black communities the District of Columbia was the most innovative city for ensuring public or affordable housing through limited equity cooperatives which led 4,000 developments. Fast forward to 2019 and the affordable housing developments has dropped from 4,000 developments to 200. This poses a great threat to natives as they are being further pushed to the Prince George’s County. Ivy City, another predominantly Afro city has been rivaled by developers such as Douglass Development purchased the inoperative department store in 2011 and converted the vast art deco structure into 335 luxury apartments, with amenities including a rooftop dog park and a basement speakeasy.
“More than 50 Ivy City residents and other community members gathered at Bethesda Baptist Church on February 11 to hear the latest proposed developments for the historic Crummell School site. A bill introduced in late 2017 that received a hearing in June would lease an approximately 100,000-square-foot plot of city land to a development team for 99 years at the rate of $1 per year.”
The rapid progression of gentrification in the nation’s capital mirrors what is to come on a national level. We can refrain from making this a race issue because in truth it is a class issue. Afro-Americans tend to make up high numbers of the low income in America and with this being said- I will not negate my point of this being a direct attack on Black and Brown bodies in America. History has not changed and the lack of attention to racial disparities in America perpetuates the economic and health gaps between races. It is startling and upsetting to see the same racial inequities exist in 2019 with no one outraged enough to fight for what is right. These disparities are overshadowed by several movements (LGPTQIA+, women’s, Latinex) which counter the attention and overshadow correct laws being placed.
The initiative of the Georgia Avenue Development Plan is a mechanism of change which can be strengthened by community involvement in the D.C. area. Capitalism is no longer the answer, we must value the vision of Marion Berry and focus on developing cooperatives. We must demand to see the black dollar paid in taxes circulated within the black community and the black community must circulate their own dollar within their own. Tax delinquency laws by white officials in America is a custom of “depriving Negroes of their property through subterfuge.” Using the media to disseminate the truth of grand disparities will proactively change the standing of economic inequities amongst Afro and white households.
And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing today.
— Deuteronomy 15: 12–15
The bible trademarks the end of slavery in 2019 but those whom chose to remain ignorant will keep the mentally oppressive slave chains.
How to get Involved?
If you want to stay adamant about developing the Afro community to withstand against white imperialism and racialism let’s meet at Sankofa. Sankofa is a local afrocentric book cafe which host communal events and parties. Register for the social event at Sankofa on August 31st, 2019 from 5:00pm-8:00pm for more information.
Lets Organize ! Ashe!
What a powerful and very impactful informative article! Even if not out of concern for ourselves whom have become complacent we should all seek to come together and work on enforcing change through laws for the future of our children, grandchildren and great grand.
Great article – please more #end disparities #stop overshadowing the least (Moor ancestors) with crafted non issues #black is not a choice but a disrespected privilege
Thank you for sharing useful information. I believe their should be consistent monthly meetings especially considering I missed this event.
Please share more on this subject