Question: Why are you so convinced God actually exists?

Answer: That’s hard to answer quickly. In short, I have seen Him work countless real, tangible miracles in my life (click to see my testimony video) as well as so many others (click for playlist of other testimonies). I pray, and He answers. He changed my life completely! I have also seen countless historians, scientists, and people of other faiths try to disprove His existence or discredit His scripture, and all the ones who are truly rational in their approach always end up finding Him instead (click for an apologetics playlist). They realize He is real and the Word is true. The evidence is beyond substantial.

Question: OK, let’s say that’s all true and He is real. If God is so good, why does He allow evil to exist?

Answer: Free will or be a robot – those are your choices. Which do you prefer? Free will is a gift God gave us out of love. We are meant to steward that gift with responsibility… We don’t.

Question: OK I choose free will, but then if He loves us, why does He send people to hell?

Answer: He doesn’t send people there. They deny Him, choosing with that free will not to have a relationship with Him. Hell is the absence of God. He is light, hell is dark. God is good, hell is evil. God is love, hell is fear and hate. God is healing and comfort, hell is pain. He is still present in this life even if you deny Him. He is not present in hell, honoring your final decision.

Question: OK so maybe I want God in my life, but don’t all paths lead to God if you’re looking for Him?

Answer: No. Just like a navigation system gives you directions back to your house when you’re out of town, if your destination is God, Jesus is the way, and the Holy Spirit gives you the directions. One destination – one straight and narrow path. God made it simple that way. Accept Jesus and you will be guided home to your family. No other faith claims/offers that or teaches such great love, forgiveness, and peace.

Question: OK, you’ve convinced me enough to try, so what do I have to do?

Answer: Cry out to Jesus with your WHOLE HEART inviting him into your life, declare him as your Lord and savior, and leave your old life at his feet. Repent and ask to be forgiven and guided. Then follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit (which you receive as a gift) and the instructions laid out in the Bible. One foot after the other. You’ll get there.

Question: Wow, is it really that simple?

Answer: It starts that simple, yes. You’re life won’t instantly become perfect, but you’ll have His love and grace supporting you, His truth and wisdom growing you, and His power strengthening you through any hurdle. He will slowly help you feel whole and unshakeable, and the only reason you will want to look back is so you can deeper appreciate who He has helped you become.

Question: So wait… you’re saying God really loves ME?

Answer: There is not enough time in eternity to explain to you exactly how much God loves you. Yes. Infinitely yes.

Question: I don’t know. How could He ever forgive ME? I haven’t exactly been a good person.

Answer: He made you and has a plan for your life. Due to the original sin of Adam and Eve, we were born into sin. We are born ignorant to His morality and divine love, and that’s easy to forgive thanks to the sacrifice Jesus made to take our punishment – we didn’t know any better. God knows every mistake you’ve ever made and has just been waiting for you to be ready to choose turning away from it so you can fulfill that purpose and come home.

Question: So you’re saying MY life has purpose? Really?

Answer: Did I stutter? Lol. Yes, God has a purpose for you. You’re valuable and precious. Now stop asking me questions, and go ask Him. He’s got waaaaay more answers than I do. 😉

I was standing in my kitchen snapping fresh green beans into a pot for dinner when I had to stop what I was doing and write this down. It was suddenly just pouring into my mind, and I had to pour it out. I believe the Holy Spirit gave me this message because someone needed to see it. You’ll notice many resource links throughout the article to help fill in some blanks for anyone who may need them. I encourage you to share it on social media if there is a friend you wish you could have this conversation with. May God bless you on your faith journey!

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