In this powerful new series, “Hocus Focus on God”, Amachree Isoboye Afanyaa reminds us that as long as we stay focused on Christ, we can never forget our purpose or lose faith in Him. Afanyaa describes the power we have as believers, and shows just how much we are connected to the Creator.

“Hocus Focus on God” challenges believers to look at the Source of their faith in a new way.  Afanyaa explains that once we eliminate distractions and focus on God, we can start to solve real problems in our lives and see paths we never knew existed. From his own experience, Afanyaa beautifully demonstrates this is not “magic”, but rather the work of God.

Hocus Focus on God is available November 20, 2021!

  1. The way Amachree thinks, processes and utilizes word is uncanny! Looking forward to the release of this his latest work. Well done!

  2. I call him Bishop!!! I can just imagine what this book will contain, they always come loaded when coming off Amachree

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