A short take on “Judge Not”

During the years I have been a believer, I have heard the phrase “Don’t Judge”. So many members of the professing Christian world has uttered this on a number of occasions. They do not want anyone confronting them about their sin. What does the Bible actually say concerning this topic? Matthew 7:1–“Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Let’s look at what the Lord Jesus Christ said about “judging”: John 7:24. “Judge not according to appearance, but judge RIGHTEOUS judgment” The context is clear. The Lord did not say NOT to judge at all, but not to judge hypocritically, or judge righteously, according to scripture. The postmodern Christian world does not like this. In fact, it is used as a premise for their unrighteous lifestyle and strange belief systems. No one wants to be held accountable for anything. We are living in an age where Aleister Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt” mantra reigns supreme. There are no absolutes. Right and wrong are subjective to each individual’s perspective. This goes totally against what the Bible says. God deals in absolutes. It is either heaven or hell. Either you are saved or you are not. Jesus said, you cannot serve TWO masters. Either you will LOVE the one and hate the other. Elijah, the Prophet said. “Why halt ye between two opinions? If God be God, serve Him, but if Baal be Baal, serve him?” 1st Kings 18:21. (Paraphrase mine). We need to make a choice on who we will serve. We cannot straddle the fence. There is only one way that leads to life. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me.” Jesus is the Way! D.C.

The Gospel and the Kingdom of the Cults

I can remember getting saved June 21st, 2003. My eyes were opened and all I wanted to do was read God’s Word, but I had a hunger to read about other cults, false doctrine and world religions. Why? Because I did not want to be deceived again. Jesus said to His disciples when they asked him what are the signs of His return. “Take heed that no man deceive you.” That is a very telling phrase there. Jesus went on to tell them that there will be FALSE Christs and FALSE prophets insomuch that if it were possible, will deceive the elect.” Allow me a little time to define what a cult is. It is a sect that claims adherence to the monolithic religion it branched from, but deviates from its central message. In the case of the Christian religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to be Christians, but they do not teach Christianity’s central theme…the person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, they make it about the founder of that particular cult. In the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ case, it’s Charles Taze Russell. In Seventh Day Adventism’s case, it’s Ellen G. White’s writings. They are put on par with the Bible. With Mormonism, they believe they have the Book of Mormon, which, in their view, is the last testament of Christ. These groups do not teach the Gospel as defined in God’s Word. So, what is that? What is the Gospel? How can a man enter heaven? Scripture is so plain about this essential subject. In Ephesians 2:8-9, we read that it is by GRACE ye are saved. Not of ourselves. It is a GIFT of God, not of WORKS, lest any man should boast. In other words, our salvation is a free gift Jesus Christ purchased with His own shed blood on Calvary. That blood was sufficient enough to wash away man’s sin and bring him back to God, not man’s works. For we read that our works is like filthy rags. All we have to do is receive this gift from God. It was Christ that did the work when he died on the cross of Calvary. When a person receives Christ as Savior, God looks on that person as though he never sinned. What a marvelous truth. We as believers should rejoice at that notion. Cults put their parishioners in bondage, saying you have to work your way to God. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe knocking on doors and proselytizing people will get them into heaven. Mormons believe basically the same thing. Catholics believe confessing their sins to a priest will grant them forgiveness from their sins. The reality of it is, it cannot. In fact, a priest is not an intermediary between God and man (sacerdotalism), only Jesus Christ is (2nd Timothy 2:5). The point of this article is, only Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). There IS no other way.  

Meet Author David Chandler

It is a pleasure being added to the Aknowingspirit team, so let me provide you all with an introduction. I’m David Chandler and I esteem myself as somewhat of a cult expert. I’ve been a Born-again Christian for quite some time now. I like to study aberrant theological belief systems and compare those ideas with the Word of God. I am also an author of the speculative, having written well over ten novels. Connect with me on facebook!

Christian Witches? Huh?

A dear friend of mine sent me a video on my Facebook timeline. It contained an exuberant black woman talking about a Christian witches convention in none other than Salem, Massachusetts! I couldn’t believe what I was watching, much less hearing—Christians calling themselves witches. As discerning, bible-believing Christians, we should not be surprised at any of this. Scripture warns us that the end of the age would be marked with the rise of false teachers, false Christs, and false prophets, and they would be invading the local churches. The Apostle Paul disputed with these individuals on more than a few occasions. 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come unless there is a falling away first (apostasy from the one true faith), and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Notice in verse seven, Paul talks about the mystery of iniquity being here and at work. “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work. Only he that letteth will let until he is taken out of the way.” Warnings about false teachers and the spread of false doctrine spreading throughout the church became a theme in the New Testament epistles. 2nd Timothy 4:1-4, 2nd Peter 2:1-19. Jude 1:4. 1st John 4:1-3, but Deuteronomy 18:10 is pretty apropos for the subject of this treatise. Christians are not to have anything to do with witchcraft, the occult or the secret, hidden things. God’s word says that the secret things belong to Him alone. Inclusionism  Since churches are becoming more accepting of other beliefs (inclusionism), anything can be considered “church” these days. Postmodernism is running amuck in this spiritually starved, social media, starlit, culture. Everyone claims to be spiritual, so they get involved with a group, or jump on the internet and claim they are some sort of “teacher”. This is part of the reason why so many social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is so popular. Who would ever thought Christians would be calling themselves “witches”. Yet, here we are. Popularity is Powerful The occult is rising in popularity now. It has gained an attraction, especially with young people today as a result of the breakdown of the family structure. Satan is waging war in our youth’s lives since they do not have the protection of a loving, Godly father in the home. The mothers are getting younger, and more preoccupied with the love of the world as opposed to the love and protection of their children. In fact, they do not want the responsibility of caring for them. That is why they become adults and become victims of false doctrine, aberrant religious movements, or become members of cults. If we had more godly parents (mom AND dad who are COMMITTED to one another in a marriage relationship), we would not have so many young people attracted to these things. Getting involved in the occult is strictly forbidden in scripture (Deuteronomy 18:10). Christians are not to delve into the Devil’s domain. Not only is it spiritually dangerous, but it is against God’s commandments. Calling yourself a “Christian”…